Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hey guys I hope everyone enjoyed all the crazy snow we had, thankfully it's all gone and over with. Remember this week to bring something that repersents a Bullhorn. Here are the questions for this weeks study, This lesson is going to be taken from a 3rd person point of view on how people express the word of God and how it may come across both good and bad.

1. What draws you to the message of Jesus?

2. Does God love people with different beliefs than you?

3. Do you thank it's possible to scare people into loving God?

I look forward to see your answers and seeing you guys Thursday Night.


Ashley said...

It's good to be the FIRST one!!!!!

Answer 1: Love and Compassion Jesus has for us no matter what we have done.

Answer 2: I think so because we are human and sometimes we see flaws in others and due to actions we tend to hold it against them. God DON'T!

Answer 2: Well, not exactly scaring someone into loving God but we should have the fear of not obeying God's word. If you just try to make someone scared them they will follow just out of obediance and not from their heart because they lack the conviction.

Danae said...

Well . . . I'm sad I don't get to be there tonight, but ya'll have fun just the same!

1. The Love of Jesus, the Power of the Blood, and the Promise of Eternity

2. God LOVES everyone, his love is unconditional, but he a just and jealous God. He never stops loving you no matter what - but you WILL spend an eternity in Hell if you don't accept Jesus as Saviour and Live after Him!

3. We cannot and should not try to scare anyone into anything. However we are to "Fear God" in the sense of the Fear of being eternally seperated from Him.

I think it's important that we don't try to make our own theology as Gospel, but I also believe we should NEVER try to dilute the Gospel or water down the Message it teaches. Black is Black and White is White!

Love Ya'll and I'll be missing you tonight - have fun and see ya next week!

Antonio said...

1: His willingness to forgive everyone, unlike some people. He uses the murders and convicts, while the church holds them back from Gods will.

2:Yes, he loves everyone, doesnt matter of their past or future.

3:No scared people to God will only turn them away.

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