Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Hey Guys,
I hope everyone has had a great week so far, hopefully everyone is trying there best to stay warm this week. Just a reminder this weeks theme is luggage, so bring anything that represents luggage, and be creative. As you answer the following questions below, i want you to think about some of the personal luggage you maybe carrying around with you. Maybe someone you trusted and loved betrayed you, maybe a friend turned there back on you, maybe you had a failed relationship, no matter what it maybe we all currently have or had carried some type of baggage in our lives. We will look at these issues and how forgiveness can set you free from your baggage. God created us all to be free.
Remember to be here at 6pm for some awesome food, (first come first served)...

1. How have your wounds shaped who you are today?

2. Why is God's forgiveness of us so crucial to our forgiveness of others?

3. Are there people you need to forgive?


The Antonio Ramirez said...

Question 1: They make me a stronger person by not trusting everyone like I have in the past. I am more aware of which people to trust and not.

Question 2: Because if we just walked around holding grudges we would live in a very saad world. Everyone getting mad at everyone. Mistakes happen for a reason and you just gotta pull through and leaern from them.

Question 3: Yes everyone has someone they need to forgive.

hopefully this posts this time.

Mikey said...

1. they help me to avoid making the same mistakes twice.

2. the bible says if we cant forgive others then he will not forgive us

3. yes sometimes people at work can be hard to forgive but for me personally comes easly

Ashley said...

1) It has made me a stronger person where I don't let people run all over me and stand my grounds on what I believe.
2) With out forgiveness you would be so mad that you wouldn't have a like...people that hold onto hurt and different situations end up misserable because they never let go to move on.
3) There are times I get hurt but I usually get over it, there is always someone to forgive since we are all human.

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