Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Hey Guys,
I hope everyone had a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving. Remember to bring something that repersents a kick ball, be creative guys.
I'm sure most of you are trying to figure out what a kick ball has to do with Spirituality, but it is a symbol. There are lots of balls, toys, gadgets, things we want. As a child we feel anything we need or want we should get from "Mommy" or "Daddy" but some things we get and some we don't. Sometimes the answer is no, sometimes yes, and sometimes it is because they already bought you something better for Christmas - LOL
It is the same spiritually, God has a plan for you and sometimes the reason you don't get what your asking for is because he has a brand new "KickBall" waiting for you.
Ok, well, I think your gonna have to watch the video to get it! So BE HERE THURSDAY AT 6:00pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Do you feel like you often don't get the things you really want?

2. Have you ever been madd at God for not giving you what you'd asked for?

3. If you got everything you asked for in life, do you think you'd be happy?

I know we are all excited to see what Ashley #1 is "cookin' up" . . . don't be late or there may be no food left!
Also, please bring comfortable clothes cause we have an activity (however, if it is cold outside we will have to compromise)

Encounter God's Love - Pastor Anthony


Danae said...

1. Some things. I will say I am very BLESSED and have alot more than I deserve!

2. Mad, I don't think so. There have been times I've asked God . . . "WHY?????????"

3. NO WAY! I'm glad I don't get everything I've said I want . . . life would be miserable.

and I too am excited to see what Ashley W. is cooking!?!?!

Mikey said...

1. sometimes however I have accuired a lot of things in the last 3 months

2.Never been mad at God sometimes i wisk i knew what hes thinking and what hes got planned

3.proably not

Ashley #1 said...

1. I'm more interested in getting the things I need verses the things I want, what you want may not be the best for you to have.

2. Nope, just figure I don't need it.

3. No, when you got new things it would take the joy out of it.

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