Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Week 5 - NOISE

Hey Ya'll!
No one forget, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! Gifts are welcome, just kidding.
It's Ashley's turn to bring the food so hopefully she's bringing some good food for me. LOL.
Anyway, this week's Bible Study is on NOISE. Tomorrow ALL day I want you to think about the noise you hear, whether it be, children playing/screaming, our cell phones ringing, television, music, conversations, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Keep mental notes or a written list, cause I want to talk about each noise we hear everyday.
Life is full of sounds, when we are little we learn the sounds animals make, it's interesting hearing my nephews try and make the sounds of a chicken, horse, and cow. Then as we get older, I myself care about the sound my truck makes when I pull out of the driveway, I also care about the sounds of a cash register when my wife is buying her new boots, but there is sounds everywhere. All day, everyday, we hear things, and sometimes we go weeks, without having a moment of complete silence, absolutely NO NOISE. There are times we need a break, a break from NOISE.
So here's a few questions to see how quiet or noisy your life is.

1. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
I mean just for the point of turning it off, you don't want any calls . . .

2. Think about it . . . in one week . . . How much time do you spend watching TV/Movies?

3. Do you ever set aside "quiet time" for just you and God?

Ok ya'll these ?s will NOT be on your handouts this week so PLEASE fill them out online.
Don't forget to bring something that represents NOISE in your life. I hope to see everyone tomorrow for my BIRTHDAY . . . I mean for Bible Study!


THE Antonio Ramirez said...


Answer 1: Yes at church and SOMETIMES when I go to sleep. When I go to the movies... SOMETIMES. No I like calls and text messages. I keep it on mostly for facebook so see what everyone is talking about.

Answer 2: Probably when I am not hanging with Ashley. Just watch a movie or tv till I go to sleep. Waiting on someone to face me in Madden that that person (SHE) is scared apparently. Im a movie collector and a buff.

Answer 3: I really dont set aside time. Usually on the way to work either on the Harley or Camaro I sing/listen to songs and I actually talk to God about keeping me safe and watching over me almost everyday.

Autumn Flaa said...

question 1. i have no cell but when i did, yes i would turn it off all the time.

question 2. i do things and try and keep myself busy all day long, but at night i sit down and watch my TV shows and/or movies.

question 3. no, i set quite time aside for my sanity.

Mikey said...

1. I dont really have that problem i dont get that many calls. The only reasons i turn it off is because church, work, or at nights.

2.maybe an hour or two

3.almost every morning I have everyday for almost a month now

Danae said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! You won't be getting a present from me, cause I gave em to you this morning. Anyway, I'm excited about tonight.

1. I do, not very often, but my phone works weird and I get a GABAGILLION phone calls (yet people tell me they call, that I never get)

2. In a week, not sure, I usually watch about an hour a day on average I guess . . . I have netflix :)so I usually watch one thing a day.

3. recently I made it a point to do it in the morning, I focus better than at night. Anyway, I do not answer the phone, door, or talk to anyone during my time with God cause the devil always puts things in my way as soon as I set aside time.

See everyone tonight!

(Ashley...# 1) said...

Answer 1: If I don't want to answer my phone, I just leave it in my purse or a different room of the house. People that know me...know how true that is,LOL.
Answer 2: I would say about 4 hrs a week. I usually only watch movies since there isn't much good on TV.
Answer 3: I'm not very good at sitting still since I get destracted easily, I have my chats with God while I'm cleaning. It helps me to stay focused when I'm doing more than one thing at a time.

ashley #2 said...

1. During the week no, but at church or any important events yes, i don't want interruptions

2. not a whole lot only a few hours a week

3. yes, i attempt to try to set a time for god. even if its just 15 minutes i will stick to it.

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