Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Week 3 - TREES

Hey Guys,
I want to thank all of you who came last week, I hope you had as much fun as I did discovering our flames. This weeek we will be looking at what a tree repersents and its significance to the beauty of our world. Every minute, hour, week, month, and year of our lives we are affecting the world we live in. We will see how the choices me make today effect tomorrow and how our lives can have meaning today and forever. It's amazing when we stop and look at something as simple, yet complex as a tree we can see so much. How many times have we looked at a tree? Probably hundreds EVERY day, when you drive to work, in your front yard, at the park, they are everywhere. I hope that after this week's Bible Study everytime you see a tree. . . you see God's craftsmanship and remember that you have a powerful effect on this planet . . . whether good or bad.

Here are a few Questions to get you guys started,

1. What does it mean to live how God created you to live?

2. What are some places in the world you see God?

3. Are you leaving some of your OWN fingerprints on this world? What are they?

Remember to bring something that repersents a TREE, please wear a pair of shoes and clothes that are comfortable and you don't mind getting a little dirty, also if you have one bring a flashlight. We will be going a little over in time so after it's over we will be coming back to the house for pizza. See ya there!

Encounter God's Love - Pastor Anthony


(Ashley) said...

Answer 1: God gave us the bible to live by but he also gave us free will to make our own decisions and mistakes. We are to live a holy life even when we have our short comings.

Answer 2: Church, of corse...but I see things that represent God such as Kindness towards others even if it is letting someone go ahead of you in line. We need to have a peace and calmness that will show christ in us.

Answer 3: I hope I am, just be showing kindness and dependability towards others when its needed. Being an example.

Mikey said...

1.reading the bible and obeying his commands
2.church 4 sure , when I read my bible , when I just sit and listen 2 my music
3. Witnessing 2 people, loving people tryin 2 b more like Jesus

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