Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week 1 ~ RAIN

Attention All Encounter 3:16 Young Adults on October 22nd, 2009 at 6:00pm we will start our first lesson in our Nooma Series.

This meeting will be held at my home (if you need directions please let me know and I can email you a map)

Number one in the series is “RAIN” so I need EVERYONE to bring something that you feel personally represents rain. There is no right or wrong answers – it’s up to you how creative, original, or simple you want to be.

Here are 3 Questions I want you to answer on here BEFORE coming to Bible Study Thursday night!

Be honest, these are questions to really get us thinking and also to help us be on the same page when we get together that night.

Question 1: Is it raining in your life right now?

Question 2: Do you ever act like everything is ok even when it isn’t?

Question 3: When you are going through really hard times and everything seems hopeless, do you still trust that God knows the way and that you’re going to make it?

Alright ya’ll . . . stop . . . think . . . answer/post . . . see ya Thursday

Encounter God’s Love – Pastor Anthony



Pastor Danae said...

I'm excited about this series! I think it is VERY eye opening. By the way in the natural we are kind of tired of this outpouring of rain.

Answer 1 - Kind of, I think that the devil is in an all out attack and everyone is getting s little bit of a storm/rain (trials) but also there is a calm assurance because I know the Lord holds me in His hands

Answer 2 - Of course, I'm human (and a female) LOL. The Lord has been showing me how it's ok to just be honest, when we go through struggles we need people's encouragement to get through - we should draw strength from one another

Answer 3 - YES! There is absolutely no other way I'd make it. I would have given up living long ago if it were not for my fait, trust, and belief in the Lord. Can't NOBODY do me like JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, hope that works for your answers. I know we all got alot more to answer next Thursday. It's a very deep study :D I'm very happy about it!

Keepin' It Real <>< Pastor Danae

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