Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Hey Guys,
I hope everyone has had a great week so far, hopefully everyone is trying there best to stay warm this week. Just a reminder this weeks theme is luggage, so bring anything that represents luggage, and be creative. As you answer the following questions below, i want you to think about some of the personal luggage you maybe carrying around with you. Maybe someone you trusted and loved betrayed you, maybe a friend turned there back on you, maybe you had a failed relationship, no matter what it maybe we all currently have or had carried some type of baggage in our lives. We will look at these issues and how forgiveness can set you free from your baggage. God created us all to be free.
Remember to be here at 6pm for some awesome food, (first come first served)...

1. How have your wounds shaped who you are today?

2. Why is God's forgiveness of us so crucial to our forgiveness of others?

3. Are there people you need to forgive?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Hey Guys,
I hope everyone had a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving. Remember to bring something that repersents a kick ball, be creative guys.
I'm sure most of you are trying to figure out what a kick ball has to do with Spirituality, but it is a symbol. There are lots of balls, toys, gadgets, things we want. As a child we feel anything we need or want we should get from "Mommy" or "Daddy" but some things we get and some we don't. Sometimes the answer is no, sometimes yes, and sometimes it is because they already bought you something better for Christmas - LOL
It is the same spiritually, God has a plan for you and sometimes the reason you don't get what your asking for is because he has a brand new "KickBall" waiting for you.
Ok, well, I think your gonna have to watch the video to get it! So BE HERE THURSDAY AT 6:00pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Do you feel like you often don't get the things you really want?

2. Have you ever been madd at God for not giving you what you'd asked for?

3. If you got everything you asked for in life, do you think you'd be happy?

I know we are all excited to see what Ashley #1 is "cookin' up" . . . don't be late or there may be no food left!
Also, please bring comfortable clothes cause we have an activity (however, if it is cold outside we will have to compromise)

Encounter God's Love - Pastor Anthony

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Week 5 - NOISE

Hey Ya'll!
No one forget, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! Gifts are welcome, just kidding.
It's Ashley's turn to bring the food so hopefully she's bringing some good food for me. LOL.
Anyway, this week's Bible Study is on NOISE. Tomorrow ALL day I want you to think about the noise you hear, whether it be, children playing/screaming, our cell phones ringing, television, music, conversations, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Keep mental notes or a written list, cause I want to talk about each noise we hear everyday.
Life is full of sounds, when we are little we learn the sounds animals make, it's interesting hearing my nephews try and make the sounds of a chicken, horse, and cow. Then as we get older, I myself care about the sound my truck makes when I pull out of the driveway, I also care about the sounds of a cash register when my wife is buying her new boots, but there is sounds everywhere. All day, everyday, we hear things, and sometimes we go weeks, without having a moment of complete silence, absolutely NO NOISE. There are times we need a break, a break from NOISE.
So here's a few questions to see how quiet or noisy your life is.

1. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
I mean just for the point of turning it off, you don't want any calls . . .

2. Think about it . . . in one week . . . How much time do you spend watching TV/Movies?

3. Do you ever set aside "quiet time" for just you and God?

Ok ya'll these ?s will NOT be on your handouts this week so PLEASE fill them out online.
Don't forget to bring something that represents NOISE in your life. I hope to see everyone tomorrow for my BIRTHDAY . . . I mean for Bible Study!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Week 4 - SUNDAY

Hey Guys,
I hope everyone is having a great week so far. For those of you that missed last weeks study on trees you really missed out, we had an great time going out geo cashing, and some people got pretty creative with their repensentation of a tree. This week we will look at what repersents SUNDAY in your life. For most Christians we wake up on Sunday morning, pickout out our best suits or dresses, work on our best smile, and head off to church. We give or 10 percent to the collection plate, then shake hands with the Pastor, telling him on the way out how great the sermon was, then we are on our way to lunch. Is this the way God really intented for Sundays to be? Is SUNDAY just another duty to be proformed every week so that we can feel good about ourselves and have our free meal ticket to Heaven? Or is SUNDAY a day you look forward to, coming into fellowship with other believers to worship our Lord and Savior and Redeemer, entering into His courts with Praise and Thanksgiving? Are you grateful to not only give what the Lord asks but give an offering from your heart? Do you want to hear the Word of God spoken and do you mind having your way of thinking challenged and maybe even sometimes corrected?
Let's take a moment . . .stop . . .and think what does Sunday mean to you?

1. Have you ever attended a church service out of a sense of duty or because you think you're suppose to?

2. Is it possible to be interested in Christian faith but turned off by Christianity?

3. When it comes to church, what do you think God has in mind?

Remember, your suppose to be honest, there is no right or wrong answers, it's just to get us thinking.
DON'T FORGET to bring something you feel represents SUNDAY and I know we are all excited to see what Tony is going to bring for food (hopefully not one chicken nugget per person LOL)
See EVERYONE on Thursday, trust me this one is a good one!

Encouter God's Love - Pastor Anthony

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Week 3 - TREES

Hey Guys,
I want to thank all of you who came last week, I hope you had as much fun as I did discovering our flames. This weeek we will be looking at what a tree repersents and its significance to the beauty of our world. Every minute, hour, week, month, and year of our lives we are affecting the world we live in. We will see how the choices me make today effect tomorrow and how our lives can have meaning today and forever. It's amazing when we stop and look at something as simple, yet complex as a tree we can see so much. How many times have we looked at a tree? Probably hundreds EVERY day, when you drive to work, in your front yard, at the park, they are everywhere. I hope that after this week's Bible Study everytime you see a tree. . . you see God's craftsmanship and remember that you have a powerful effect on this planet . . . whether good or bad.

Here are a few Questions to get you guys started,

1. What does it mean to live how God created you to live?

2. What are some places in the world you see God?

3. Are you leaving some of your OWN fingerprints on this world? What are they?

Remember to bring something that repersents a TREE, please wear a pair of shoes and clothes that are comfortable and you don't mind getting a little dirty, also if you have one bring a flashlight. We will be going a little over in time so after it's over we will be coming back to the house for pizza. See ya there!

Encounter God's Love - Pastor Anthony

Monday, October 26, 2009

Week 2 - Flame

Hey Guys! Just wanna say Thanks to everyone who participated in last weeks activities. Hope everyone enjoyed the first video as much as I did. I'm excited about this week, I think it puts things into perspective. As you all know this week we are talking about Flame so don't forget to bring something that represents a "FLAME". We will be discussing how love is a flame and different loves are different flames and when someone (or two people) put all the love/flames together how incredible it can be as it burns as one. This is going to be a powerful study and I hope everyone can make it. These are a few questions to get everyones mind going and on the same track.

1. If you were to put the love you feel on a "Flame Scale" how high would it burn?

2. When you hear the word LOVE write ten things that come to mind

3. Do you think the word "Love" loses its meaning when we use it for so many things?

Well, gotta be honest here I have several different things throughout the day I say I love . . . but they are all not the same kinda love. I'm sure Danae is grateful that I don't love her the same way I love my chips and queso. Anyway, answer these ?s and I'll see ya'll Thursday.

Encounter God's Love - Pastor Anthony

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week 1 ~ RAIN

Attention All Encounter 3:16 Young Adults on October 22nd, 2009 at 6:00pm we will start our first lesson in our Nooma Series.

This meeting will be held at my home (if you need directions please let me know and I can email you a map)

Number one in the series is “RAIN” so I need EVERYONE to bring something that you feel personally represents rain. There is no right or wrong answers – it’s up to you how creative, original, or simple you want to be.

Here are 3 Questions I want you to answer on here BEFORE coming to Bible Study Thursday night!

Be honest, these are questions to really get us thinking and also to help us be on the same page when we get together that night.

Question 1: Is it raining in your life right now?

Question 2: Do you ever act like everything is ok even when it isn’t?

Question 3: When you are going through really hard times and everything seems hopeless, do you still trust that God knows the way and that you’re going to make it?

Alright ya’ll . . . stop . . . think . . . answer/post . . . see ya Thursday

Encounter God’s Love – Pastor Anthony