Friday, June 18, 2010


You're Invited!
Thursday Night
June 24th @ 7:00pm
We are gonna play games, eat, play games,
fellowship, play games, and HAVE FUN!
RSVP either call or text
940.312.3161 (Pastor Anthony)
940.312.3151 (Pastor Danae)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hey Guy's,
This weeks lesson is on Rhythm. Is the life you lead in tune with God's song? Of are we playing our own tune?. Maybe you playing the right keys but your voice is not? Come join us tonight as we discover God's true rhythem.

Here are your questions for tonight..

1. What images do you have of God?

2. What does it mean for you to be in or out of tune with the song?

3. Are you In tune?

Remember to bring something tonight that represents a rhythem in your life.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Hey guys,
I hope everyone has had a good week so far. Please remember to bring something that repersents a lump. The Lump in this weeks lesson refers to hidden sins or issues that no one knows about and that has or is keeping you from reaching the fullness in God's plan for you life. Looking forward to tonights lesson. Here are you Question for tonight...

1. Do you ever act unnatural when you're doing something you know you shouldn't be doing? Why do you think we do this?

2. Do you think it's possible to keep something a secret and never get busted for it?

3. Do you believe, deep in your heart, that God loves you no matter what you've done or will do?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hey guys I hope everyone enjoyed all the crazy snow we had, thankfully it's all gone and over with. Remember this week to bring something that repersents a Bullhorn. Here are the questions for this weeks study, This lesson is going to be taken from a 3rd person point of view on how people express the word of God and how it may come across both good and bad.

1. What draws you to the message of Jesus?

2. Does God love people with different beliefs than you?

3. Do you thank it's possible to scare people into loving God?

I look forward to see your answers and seeing you guys Thursday Night.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Hey Guys,
I hope everyone has had a great week so far, hopefully everyone is trying there best to stay warm this week. Just a reminder this weeks theme is luggage, so bring anything that represents luggage, and be creative. As you answer the following questions below, i want you to think about some of the personal luggage you maybe carrying around with you. Maybe someone you trusted and loved betrayed you, maybe a friend turned there back on you, maybe you had a failed relationship, no matter what it maybe we all currently have or had carried some type of baggage in our lives. We will look at these issues and how forgiveness can set you free from your baggage. God created us all to be free.
Remember to be here at 6pm for some awesome food, (first come first served)...

1. How have your wounds shaped who you are today?

2. Why is God's forgiveness of us so crucial to our forgiveness of others?

3. Are there people you need to forgive?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Hey Guys,
I hope everyone had a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving. Remember to bring something that repersents a kick ball, be creative guys.
I'm sure most of you are trying to figure out what a kick ball has to do with Spirituality, but it is a symbol. There are lots of balls, toys, gadgets, things we want. As a child we feel anything we need or want we should get from "Mommy" or "Daddy" but some things we get and some we don't. Sometimes the answer is no, sometimes yes, and sometimes it is because they already bought you something better for Christmas - LOL
It is the same spiritually, God has a plan for you and sometimes the reason you don't get what your asking for is because he has a brand new "KickBall" waiting for you.
Ok, well, I think your gonna have to watch the video to get it! So BE HERE THURSDAY AT 6:00pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Do you feel like you often don't get the things you really want?

2. Have you ever been madd at God for not giving you what you'd asked for?

3. If you got everything you asked for in life, do you think you'd be happy?

I know we are all excited to see what Ashley #1 is "cookin' up" . . . don't be late or there may be no food left!
Also, please bring comfortable clothes cause we have an activity (however, if it is cold outside we will have to compromise)

Encounter God's Love - Pastor Anthony

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Week 5 - NOISE

Hey Ya'll!
No one forget, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! Gifts are welcome, just kidding.
It's Ashley's turn to bring the food so hopefully she's bringing some good food for me. LOL.
Anyway, this week's Bible Study is on NOISE. Tomorrow ALL day I want you to think about the noise you hear, whether it be, children playing/screaming, our cell phones ringing, television, music, conversations, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Keep mental notes or a written list, cause I want to talk about each noise we hear everyday.
Life is full of sounds, when we are little we learn the sounds animals make, it's interesting hearing my nephews try and make the sounds of a chicken, horse, and cow. Then as we get older, I myself care about the sound my truck makes when I pull out of the driveway, I also care about the sounds of a cash register when my wife is buying her new boots, but there is sounds everywhere. All day, everyday, we hear things, and sometimes we go weeks, without having a moment of complete silence, absolutely NO NOISE. There are times we need a break, a break from NOISE.
So here's a few questions to see how quiet or noisy your life is.

1. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
I mean just for the point of turning it off, you don't want any calls . . .

2. Think about it . . . in one week . . . How much time do you spend watching TV/Movies?

3. Do you ever set aside "quiet time" for just you and God?

Ok ya'll these ?s will NOT be on your handouts this week so PLEASE fill them out online.
Don't forget to bring something that represents NOISE in your life. I hope to see everyone tomorrow for my BIRTHDAY . . . I mean for Bible Study!